Tuesday, October 14, 2008


One of the everyday struggles for women is balancing EVERYTHING. It doesn't matter whether we work inside or outside of the home, there is a lot to get done.

Our 'a good home' section is going to address 'home' issues of the balancing act. We all struggle with it at times. Starting on the inside, this week will address organizing those messy closets.
Timing couldn't be better with the cooler fall weather here.

Today's job: clear out the summer attire.
  1. Begin with storage containers. A Rubbermaid-type box should do. Some have invested in the suctioned bags the deflate into nothing. Doesn't matter, we just need a container.
  2. Make 3 piles. 1. A garbage bag for ripped, stained or otherwise worn-out clothing and shoes. 2. A bag (yes bag, many donation sites prefer them as they are re-used, less work than boxes, and cause less trash) for the give-away/donation clothing. Good stuff that just doesn't work in your closet any more. AND finally 3. the storage bin for next Spring/Summer.
  3. Have at it!

If you are like me, you may find this types of jobs somewhat daunting at times. Here are a few tips to help the task move smoothly.

  • Make sure you have a donation site in mind. Call a head to find out the hours that donations are accepted. Immediately after the closet is cleared, put bag in car.
  • Have a location set aside in your home for storage of next years clothes. Basements, attics, etc... and clear out the path for easy access.
  • Don't be afraid to get rid of what you won't use. A good rule of thumb is: if you didn't wear it this past Spring/Fall get rid of it.
  • With the exception of tossed in the 'get rid of' pile, please make sure clothing is clean.

Here are a few local places for donating clothes:

Happy closet cleaning!

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